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Before we start make sure you’ve at least got Chrome 59 installed and are using the latest ChromeDriver version.

First let’s create a simple Selenium script. Like all test scripts, first we will pull in the requisite libraries:

# filename: headless_chrome.rb
require 'selenium-webdriver'
require 'rspec/expectations'
include RSpec::Matchers

Now we can create our setup method where we will pass Chrome our headless options as command line arguments.

def setup
options =
@driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome, options: options

The first add_argument of '-- headless' allows us to run Chrome in headless mode. The second argument is, according to Google, temporarily required to work around a few known bugs. The third argument is optional but gives us the ability to debug our application in another browser if we need to (using localhost:9222).

Now let's finish our test by creating our teardown and run methods.

def teardown

def run

run do
@driver.get ''
expect(@driver.title).to eql 'The Internet'

Here we are loading a page, asserting on the title (to make sure we are in the right place), and taking a screenshot to make sure our headless setup is working correctly.

Expected Behavior

When we save our file and run it (e.g. ruby headless_chrome.rb) here is what will happen:

  • A headless chrome browser instance will open
  • Test runs and captures a screenshot
  • Browser closes


Hopefully this tip has helped you get your tests running smoothly locally (or on your CI Server). This is the best option since it's easy to setup, officially supported by the browser vendor, and has a consistent rendering experience to what an end-user would experience in a full instance of Chrome.

Happy Testing!

About The Author

Chris Kenst is a Software Quality advocate, Test Engineer, occasional blogger, and maintainer of an open source list of software testing conferences (link). You can also find him online most places as @ckenst.

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