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Let's assume we have a bunch of tests written in RSpec, which would look something like this:

└── spec
├── 11_spec.rb
├── 1_spec.rb
├── 2_spec.rb
├── 3_spec.rb
├── 4_spec.rb
├── 5_spec.rb
├── 6_spec.rb
├── 7_spec.rb
├── 8_spec.rb
├── 9_spec.rb
└── this_spec.rb

And let's assume that we will execute these tests in parallel (using parallel_tests).

Some of the tests will pass, and some of them will fail. In order to track which ones fail, we will want to keep a log. The simplest way to do this would be to output a list of failures to a file. That way the list of failures will persist after the suite of tests completes, so we can perform a retry action using the list of failures.

Thankfully RSpec comes with some of the plumbing to help accomplish this -- through the use of a custom formatter; specifically the base formatter.

Let's create one.

# filename: failure_catcher.rb

require 'rspec/core/formatters/base_formatter'

class FailureCatcher < RSpec::Core::Formatters::BaseFormatter

# create files called rspec_#.failures with a list of failed examples
def dump_failures
return if failed_examples.empty?
f ="rspec#{ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER']}.failures", "w+")
failed_examples.each do |example|
f.puts retry_command(example)

def retry_command(example)
example_name = example.full_description.gsub("\"", "\\\"")
"-e \"#{example_name}\""


In order to extend the base formatter we first need to require it, and then inherit from it when declaring our class (e.g., < RSpec::Core::Formatters::BaseFormatter).

After that we have access to the helper method we want (e.g., dump_failures). In dump_failures we can access detailed information about each failed test through the failed_examples accessor.

After checking to see if there are any failed examples, we create a new uniquely named file (leveraging the environment variable created by our parallel executor), iterate through all failed examples, and store a properly formatted retry execution command with the name of the failed test.

To use this formatter we'll need to specify it at run-time, and to leverage a retry action we'll need to wrap our run-time execution. Let's wire all of this up using Rake.

# filename: Rakefile

def gather_failures
opts = ""
files = Dir.glob('*.failures')
files.each { |file| opts <<\n/, ' ') }
all_failures = './all.failures'
File.write(all_failures, opts.rstrip)
return all_failures

def cleanup(files = '')
system("rm #{files}") unless Dir.glob("#{files}").empty?

def launch(params = {})
if params[:test_options].include? '-e'
count = params[:test_options].split(/failed/).count - 1
puts "Retrying #{count} failed tests!"
system("parallel_rspec -n #{params[:processes] || 5} \
--test-options '#{params[:test_options]}' spec")

def run(processes = 5)
launch(processes: processes,
test_options: '--require ./failure_catcher.rb \
--format FailureCatcher')

def rerun(processes = 5)
launch(processes: processes, test_options: gather_failures)

desc "parallel test execution with failure retries"
task :run_tests, :number_of_processes do |t, args|
run args[:number_of_processes]
unless $?.success?
rerun args[:number_of_processes]
cleanup '*.failures'

There are five methods and one Rake task. The first two methods (gather_failures and cleanup) are for rounding up a list of failed tests from the *.failure files and deleting them when we're finished. The next three methods (launch, run, and rerun) are for executing the test suite and retrying just the failures.

The Rake task is where we tie everything together.

In it, we make the number of concurrent processes configurable through the use of an optional run-time argument. We then call run (passing in the argument) which executes the full suite. After the suite completes, we perform a check against the exit code to see if there were any failures. If there were, then we call rerun (along with the argument for number of processes), and then call cleanup to remove the failure files.

Expected Behavior

  • Tests execute in parallel
  • A list of failed tests get stored in output files (one for each process)
  • Failed tests get rerun
  • Output files for failed tests get deleted


Hat-tip to rspec-rerun for the initial implementation, and to the write-up that led me there.

Happy Testing!