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TL;DR - Show Me The Code

import pytest
from selenium import webdriver
from import By
from import Select as WebDriverSelect

def driver_setup_teardown():
driver = webdriver.Firefox()
yield driver

def test_example_1(driver_setup_teardown):
driver = driver_setup_teardown
dropdown_list = driver.find_element(By.ID , 'dropdown')
options = dropdown_list.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'option')
for opt in options:
if opt.text == 'Option 1':
for opt in options:
if opt.is_selected():
selected_option = opt.text
assert selected_option == 'Option 1', "Selected option should be Option 1"

def test_example_2(driver_setup_teardown):
driver = driver_setup_teardown
dropdown = driver.find_element(By.ID , 'dropdown')
select_list = WebDriverSelect(dropdown)
select_list.select_by_visible_text('Option 1')
selected_option = select_list.first_selected_option.text
assert selected_option == 'Option 1', "Selected option should be Option 1"

Code Walkthrough

Importing Libraries, Setup and Teardown

The first lines are pulling in our requisite libraries our testing framework (e.g., import pytest), driving the browser with Selenium (e.g., from selenium import webdriver), and a locator strategy to find the elements (e.g. from import By), and wire up some setup and teardown methods for our tests.

Example 1

After visiting the example application we find the dropdown list by its ID and store it in a variable. We then find each clickable element in the dropdown list (e.g., each option) with find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'option').

Grabbing all options returns a collection that we iterate over and when the text matches what we want it will click on it.

We finish the test by performing a check to see that our selection was made correctly. This is done by reiterating over the dropdown options collection one more time. This time we're getting the text of the item that was selected, storing it in a variable, and making an assertion against it.

While this works, there is a simpler, built-in way to do this with Selenium. Let's give that a go.

Example 2

Similar to the first example, we are finding the dropdown list by its ID. But instead of iterating over its option elements and clicking based on a conditional check, we are leveraging a built-in helper function of Selenium, Select, and its select_by_visibile_text method to choose the item we want.

We then ask the select_list what option was selected by using the first_selected_option method. This returns a Selenium Element that we grab the text from, storing it in a variable (e.g., selected_option).

Then we perform our assertion against this variable (just like in the previous example).

In addition to selecting by text, you can also select by value.


Executing the Test

Before executing the test, we need to install the required libraries. We can do this by running pip install -r requirements.txt from the command-line. The requirements.txt file contains the libraries we need to install.

Toggle to see the requirements.txt file.

After installing the required libraries, we can run the test by executing pytest from the command-line.