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For our initial setup let's pull in the selenium-webdriver gem and wire up some simple setup, teardown, and run methods.

# filename: highlight.rb

require 'selenium-webdriver'

def setup
@driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox

def teardown

def run

Now let's create a highlight helper method that will accept a Selenium WebDriver element and a time to wait (e.g., duration) as arguments.

By setting a duration, we can control how long to highlight an element on the page before reverting the styling back. And we can make this an optional argument by setting a default (e.g., 3 seconds).

def highlight(element, duration = 3)

# store original style so it can be reset later
original_style = element.attribute("style")

# style element with yellow border
"arguments[0].setAttribute(arguments[1], arguments[2])",
"border: 2px solid red; border-style: dashed;")

# keep element highlighted for a spell and then revert
if duration > 0
sleep duration
"arguments[0].setAttribute(arguments[1], arguments[2])",


There are three things going on here.

  1. We store the style of the element, so we can revert it back when we're done
  2. We change the style of the element, so it visually stands out (e.g., a red dashed border)
  3. We revert the style of the element back after 3 seconds

We're accomplishing the style change through JavaScript's setAttribute function. And we're executing it with Selenium's execute_script command.

Now to use this in our test is simple, we just prepend a find_element action with the highlight command.

run do
@driver.get ''
highlight @driver.find_element(id: 'sibling-2.3')

Expected Behavior

If you were to save this file and run it (e.g., ruby highlight.rb from the command-line), here is what you would see.

  1. Load the page
  2. Find the element
  3. Change the styling of the element, so it has a red dashed-line border
  4. Wait 3 seconds
  5. Revert the styling to remove the border


If you wanted to take this a step further, you could leverage this approach along with an interactive debugger.

Alternatively, you could verify your locators by using a browser plugin like FireFinder.

Happy Testing!

About The Author

You can follow Brian on Twitter at @bbbco.

Brian D. Goad profile picture