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Our initial setup stays mostly the same. There are only a couple of minor changes we'll need to make.

ENV['SAUCE_USERNAME'] = 'your username'
ENV['SAUCE_API_KEY'] = 'your api key'

require 'selenium-webdriver'
require 'rspec/expectations'

def setup(browser_name, browser_version)
caps = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.send(browser_name.to_sym)
caps.platform = 'Windows XP'
caps.version = browser_version.to_s

Thread.current[:driver] = Selenium::WebDriver.for(
url: "https://#{ENV['SAUCE_USERNAME']}:#{ENV['SAUCE_API_KEY']}",
desired_capabilities: caps)

def teardown

Since we are working with threads, we will need to use variables that are thread safe. The best candidates are thread local variables. They have a global scope (similar to global variables) but are only accessible from within the thread that created it. This way we won't run into any odd collisions across simultaneous test runs.

So instead of instance variables (e.g., @driver) we are now storing each instance of Selenium in this new kind of variable and referencing it as needed (e.g., Thread.current[:driver]).

# filename: example42.rb

BROWSERS = { firefox: '27',
chrome: '32',
internet_explorer: '8' }

def run
threads = []
BROWSERS.each_pair do |browser, browser_version|
threads << do
setup(browser, browser_version)
threads.each { |thread| thread.join }

Our browser list remains untouched, but our run method has been updated to spawn and join threads (which is how you finish a thread). With this setup a new thread will be spawned for each of the browsers in the list, perform its actions, and finish.

Will all of that in place, we just need to update our test to use the new thread local driver variable.

run do
Thread.current[:driver].get ''
Thread.current[:driver].title.should == 'The Internet'

If we run this script from the command line (ruby examle42.rb) and head over the Sauce Labs Account page, then we should see three tests running simultaneously.

NOTE: the number of parallel sessions allotted to your Sauce Labs account will dictate how quickly your tests will finish. For instance, if you add two new browsers to BROWSER_LIST and run this, only 3 sessions will run in Sauce Labs, queuing the other two until some of the original sessions finish.

Expected Behavior

  • Simultaneously loads each browser in a Sauce Labs job
  • Each test loads the page and asserts the title is correct
  • Each session closes when it is complete


There are alternative ways to run your tests in parallel. Some more notable approaches include:

  • through a test framework (e.g., TestNG in Java)
  • through Continuous Integration
  • through a third-party library (e.g., parallel_tests in Ruby).

For a full write-up on how to parallel_tests, check out tip 27.

Happy Testing!