Our example page is from the-internet and can be seen here. There are three different versions of the page that are available. On each page the heading text will vary:
- Control:
A/B Test Control
- Variation 1:
A/B Test Variation 1
- Opt-out:
No A/B Test
Let's start by loading our requisite libraries, declare our test class, and wire up some setup and teardown methods for our tests.
// filename: test/abOptOut.spec.js
const assert = require("assert");
const { Builder, By } = require("selenium-webdriver");
describe("A/B opt-out", function() {
let driver;
beforeEach(async function() { this.timeout(60000) driver = await new Builder().forBrowser("chrome").build();
afterEach(async function() {
await driver.quit();
// ...
Now let's wire up our first test to step through loading the split testing page and verifying that the text changes after we forge an opt-out cookie.
// filename: test/abOptOut.spec.js
// ...
it("with cookie after visiting page", async function() {
await driver.get("http://the-internet.herokuapp.com/abtest");
let headingText = await driver.findElement(By.css("h3")).getText();
if (headingText.startsWith("A/B Test")) {
await driver
.addCookie({ name: "optimizelyOptOut", value: "true" });
await driver.navigate().refresh();
headingText = await driver.findElement(By.css("h3")).getText();
assert.equal(headingText, "No A/B Test");
// ...
After navigating to the page we confirm that we are in one of the A/B test groups by grabbing the heading text and checking to see if it matches what we expect. After that we add the opt-out cookie, refresh the page, and then confirm that we are no longer in the A/B test group by checking the heading text again.
We could also load the opt-out cookie before navigating to this page.
// filename: test/abOptOut.spec.js
it("with cookie before visiting page", async function() {
await driver.get("http://the-internet.herokuapp.com");
await driver
.addCookie({ name: "optimizelyOptOut", value: "true" });
await driver.get("http://the-internet.herokuapp.com/abtest");
await driver.findElement(By.css("h3")).getText(),
"No A/B Test"
// ...
Here we are navigating to the main page of the site first and then adding the opt-out cookie. After that we navigate to the split test page and then perform our check. Alternatively, we could opt out without forging a cookie. Instead, we just need to append an opt out parameter to the URL.
// filename: test/abOptOut.spec.js
// ...
it("with opt out URL", async function() {
await driver.get(
await driver
await driver.findElement(By.css("h3")).getText(),
"No A/B Test"
By appending ?optimizely_opt_out=true
we achieve the same outcome as before. Keep in mind that this approach triggers a JavaScript alert, so we have to switch to and dismiss it (e.g., driver.switchTo().alert().dismiss()
) before performing our check.
Expected Behavior
When we save this file and run it (e.g., mocha
from the command-line) here is what will happen with either of the tests:
- Open the browser
- Opt-out of the split tests (either by cookie or appended URL)
- Visit the split testing page
- Grab the header text
- Confirm that the session is opted out of the split test
- Close the browser
In this tip, we learned about split testing and learned about some standard opt-out mechanisms built into A/B testing platforms.
Happy Testing!