TL;DR - Show Me The Code
package com.elemental.selenium;
import com.codeborne.selenide.SelenideElement;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import static com.codeborne.selenide.Condition.text;
import static com.codeborne.selenide.Selenide.$;
import static com.codeborne.selenide.Selenide.open;
import static com.codeborne.selenide.Selenide.switchTo;
public class FramesTest {
public void exampleOne() {
public void exampleTwo() {
SelenideElement editor = $(By.id("tinymce"));
editor.shouldHave(text("Your content goes here."));
editor.setValue("Hello World!");
editor.shouldHave(text("Hello World!"));
$("h3").shouldHave(text("An iFrame containing the TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor"));
Code Walkthrough
Importing Libraries
First, we pull in our requisite classes
- for annotations (e.g.,
), - opening the browser with Selenide (e.g.,
), - Selenide api for frames (e.g.,
Example 1
Our first test is exampleOne
. In it, we'll step through an example of nested frames from
With Selenide's .switchTo()
method we can easily switch to the frame we want. When using it for frames
(e.g., driver.switchTo().frame();
) it accepts either an ID or name attribute. But in order to get the text of the
middle frame (e.g., a frame nested within another frame), we need to switch to the parent frame (e.g., the top frame)
first and then switch to the child frame (e.g., the middle frame).
Once we've done that we're able to find the element we need, grab its text, and assert that it's what we expect.
Example 2
Here is a more likely example you'll run into -- working with a WYSIWYG Editor like TinyMCE. You can see the page we're testing here.
Once the page loads we switch into the frame that contains TinyMCE and:
- check the original text
- input another text
- check the new text
Keep in mind that if we need to access a part of the page outside the frame we're currently in we'll need to switch
to it. Thankfully Selenide has a method that enables us to quickly jump back to the top level of the page
-- switchTo().defaultContent()
More methods for frames
Selenide has more methods for working with frames, check:
switchTo().frame("id", Duration.ofSeconds(6)); // switch with custom timeout
Executing the Test
Before executing the test, we need to make sure the required dependencies are declared on the pom.xml
Toggle to see the pom.xml
Finally, we can run the test by executing mvn test
from the command-line.